
Welcome to the Sync365 documentation! This page provides a comprehensive guide for integrating and using Sync365 with your workflow.


Welcome to the Sync365 documentation! This page provides a comprehensive guide for integrating and using Sync365 with your workflow.




  1. From the Sync365 AppExchange listing, click Get It Now. 

  2. Select the Salesforce org to install app and click Install in Production. 

  3. Check the terms and conditions box to agree. 

  4. Click Confirm and Install. 

  5. Select Install for Admins Only. 

  6. Click Install. 

  7. Check to grant access to the Microsoft third-party websites. 

  8. Click Continue. 



Microsoft 365 Connection

Registering Azure Application 

An Azure application is required to provide Sync365 API access to Microsoft 365. 
  1. Navigate to the Sync365 Setup tab.
  2. Click Configure App.
  3. Click New Registration.
  4. Enter a name such as Sync365 for Salesforce in the name field.
  5. Click Register.
  6. Copy Tenant ID and Client ID to save later in the Salesforce Sync365 setup 
  7. Select View API Permissions from the side menu.
  8. Click Add Permissions.
  9. Click Microsoft Graph.
  10. Click Application Permissions.
  11. Select Calendars.ReadWrite.
  12. Select Mail.ReadWrite.
  13. Click Grant admin consent for organization.
  14. Select Certificates & secrets from the side menu.  
  15. Click New client secret.
  16. Enter a description such as Sync365 for Salesforce in the description field.
  17. Copy client secret value to save later in the Salesforce Sync365 app setup.
    Note: that client secret can only be copied immediately after creation before navigating away from client secret page. 

Authorize Sync365 to Microsoft 365 Connection

To authorize Sync365 API access to Microsoft 365 your Azure credentials copied in the previous steps must be saved to Sync365.

  1. From the Sync365 Setup tab, click Enter Credentials.

  2. Enter Tenant ID, Client ID and Client secret copied from Azure application. 

  3. Click Save 



Event Invitation Templates

Adding Event Invitation Template 

Use event invitation templates to send HTML formatted event invitations with merge fields to increase productivity and standardization. 

The syntax for merge fields consists of three opening curly braces, followed by the object name, followed by a full stop, the object field name, and three closing curly braces. For Example, to include the subject of the event then include {{{Event.Subject}}}.  

Merge fields are supported for the following objects: 

  • Event 

  • Organization 

  • Recipient (Lead or Contact) 

  • Sender (User) 

Note: Object names are case sensitive and must match the case specified above. 

  1. From the Sync365 Setup tab, click Add Template

  2. Select Allow New Time Proposal to allow invitees to propose new event time in Microsoft 365. 

  3. Select Teams Meeting if event will be via Microsoft Teams. 

  4. Enter the template’s name. 

  5. Enter invitation subject. Merge fields can be included. 

  6. Enter invitation description. Select Preview to enter description using the rich text editor or Select HTML to enter source HTML value. 

  7. Click Save 



Sync Settings

Edit Sync Settings 

  1. From the Sync365 Setup tab, click Edit Sync Settings. 

  2. Select Enable Contact Emails Auto Import if required.

    Note: Users must individually select Auto Import My Contact Emails from their user detail page to enable automatic email importing for their account.

  3. Select Enable External Event Time Allocation if required. 

    Note: All details of external event will be omitted except for start and end time. 

  4. Specify Sync Interval Minutes. 

  5. Specify Sync Batch Size. 

  6. Click Save 



Public Event Rescheduler

Edit Public Rescheduler Settings 

  1. From the Sync365 app Setup tab, click Edit Rescheduler Settings. 

  2. Enter your Salesforce Site URL for the Visualforce Page with the embedded public event rescheduler. 

  3. Enter your brand colour. 

  4. Enter the name of static resource for logo image. 

  5. Click Save 

Embed Public Event Rescheduler in Visualforce Page for External Site Users 

Allow external users to reschedule their events by adding the following code to a Visualforce page and adding that page to your Salesforce site. The code example requires the id page parameter to be populated with the event GUID

<apex:page sidebar="false" showHeader="false" lightningStyleSheets="false" standardStyleSheets="false">  
            margin: 0; 
            padding: 0; 
    <script type='text/javascript' src='/canvas/sdk/js/publisher.js'></script> 
    <apex:includeLightning /> 
    <div id="lwcId"/> 
        $Lightning.use("Sync365:EventPublicRescheduleWrapper", function () {$Lightning.createComponent("Sync365:eventPublicReschedule", 
                                        {"guid": "{!$}"}, 
                                        		 function (cmp) {}); 


Add Public Event Rescheduler VisualForce page to site 

  1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Sites, and then select Sites

  2. Click the name of the site. 

  3. To open the Profile page for your site profile, click Public Access Settings

  4. From the Enabled Visualforce Page Access section, click Edit.  

  5. Enable your Visualforce reschedule page. 

  6. Click Save. 

  7. From the Enabled Apex Class Access section Click Edit 

  8. Enable the Sync365.EventPublicReschedule Apex class. 

  9. Click Save. 



Email Import Exclusion Rules

Add Email Exclusion Rule

Adding an email address or the domain of email addresses to Email Import Exclusions will exclude emails from that email address or domain from automatic email import to Salesforce. 

  1. From the Email Import Exclusions tab, click New. 
  2. Enter the name of the email import exclusion. 
  3. Enter the Email address or Email address domain to exclude from import. For example email@ or 
  4. Click Save 



Page Layouts

Add Sync365 Quick Action to the Lead Page Layout 

  1. From Setup, open Object Manager. 

  2. In the Quick Find box, enter Lead, and then select Lead

  3. Click Page Layouts, and then select page Layout to update. 

  4. On the palette, select Mobile & Lightning Actions

  5. Drag the Microsoft 365 Activity Import quick action to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section. 

  6. Click Save 

Add Sync365 Quick Action to the Contact Page Layout 

  1. From Setup, open Object Manager. 

  2. In the Quick Find box, enter Contact , and then select Contact

  3. Click Page Layouts, and then select page Layout to update. 

  4. On the palette, select Mobile & Lightning Actions

  5. Drag the Microsoft 365 Activity Import quick action to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section. 

  6. Click Save 

Add Sync365 Quick Action to the Person Account Page Layout 

  1. From Setup, open Object Manager. 

  2. In the Quick Find box, enter Person Account , and then select Person Account

  3. Click Page Layouts, and then select page Layout to update. 

  4. On the palette, select Mobile & Lightning Actions

  5. Drag the Microsoft 365 Activity Import quick action to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section. 

  6. Click Save 

Add Sync365 Quick Actions and Fields  to the Event Page Layout 

  1. From Setup, open Object Manager. 

  2. 2.  In the Quick Find box, enter Event, and then select Event. 

  3. Click Page Layouts, and then select page Layout to update.  

  4. On the palette, select Mobile & Lightning Actions.  

  5. Drag the Send To Microsoft, Reschedule, and Cancel quick actions to the Salesforce Mobile and Lightning Experience Actions section. 

  6. On the palette, select Fields.  

  7. Drag the following fields to the Event Detail section:  

    • Status 

    • Before Buffer Minutes  

    • After Buffer Minutes  

    • Microsoft 365 Synced  

    • Microsoft 365 Event  

    • Microsoft 365 Teams Meeting 

    • RSVP 

    • RSVP Accepted 

    • RSVP Tentative 

    • RSVP Declined 

    • RSVP No Response 

    • Rescheduling URL 

  8. Click Save 

Add Sync365 Fields to the User Page & User Profile Page Layouts 

  1. From Setup, open Object Manager. 

  2. In the Quick Find box, enter User, and then select User

  3. Click User Page Layouts, and then select page Layout to update. 

  4. On the palette, select Fields

  5. Drag the following fields to the User Detail section:  

    • Monday Work Start 

    • Tuesday Work Start 

    • Wednesday Work Start 

    • Thursday Work Start 

    • Friday Work Start 

    • Saturday Work Start 

    • Sunday Work Start 

    • Monday Work End 

    • Tuesday Work End 

    • Wednesday Work End 

    • Thursday Work End 

    • Friday Work End 

    • Saturday Work End 

    • Sunday Work End 

    • Auto Import My Contact Emails 

    • Allocate Time for External Event

    • Show my Photo on Public Event Reschedule

  6. Click Save Repeat steps 3 to 6 for User Profile Page Layouts.

Add Sync365 Field to the Email Message Page Layout 

  1. From Setup, open Object Manager. 

  2. In the Quick Find box, enter Email Message, and then select Email Message. 

  3. Click Page Layouts, and then select page Layout to update. 

  4. On the palette, select Fields. 

  5. Drag the Microsoft 365 Email field to the Email Message Detail section. 

  6. Click Save 



Permission Sets

Assign Permission Set to Users

  1. From Setup, in the Quick Find box, enter Permission Sets, and then click Permission Sets

  2. Select the Sync365 Admin permission set to assign admin access or Sync365 User to assign standard user access. 

  3. Click Manage Assignments and then Add Assignments. 

  4. Select the checkboxes next to the names of the users you want assigned to the permission set, and click Next. 

  5. Optionally, select an expiration date for the user assignment to expire. For more information, see Set Assignment Expiration Details for Users in Permission Sets and Permission Set Groups in Salesforce Help. 

  6. Click Assign




Send an Event to Microsoft 365 

Sending a Salesforce event to Microsoft 365 will create a new Microsoft 365 event that will be synced with the Salesforce event if one does not exist, or update an existing Synced Microsoft 365 event with the details of the Salesforce event. Whenever a synced Microsoft 365 event is updated the Salesforce event will also be automatically updated.   
  1. From the record page of the event to send, click Send to Microsoft 365. 
  2. Enter the invitation details or select an invitation template from the dropdown list to automatically populate the invitation details. 
  3. Click Send. 

Reschedule an Event 

Rescheduling a Salesforce event that is synced with your Microsoft calendar will also reschedule the synced Microsoft calendar Event.

  1. From the record detail page of the event to be rescheduled, click Reschedule. 

  2. Select a date from the date picker to display available time slots for reschedule date. Note that availability will be derived from the work start and end times specified on the event’s assigned user’s record as well as the existing events in the event’s assigned user’s calendar. 

  3. Click a time slot to select reschedule time. Enter Attendee Message if required. Click Reschedule for selected time button to confirm reschedule. 

Cancel an Event 

Canceling a Salesforce event that is synced with your Microsoft calendar will also cancel the synced Microsoft calendar Event.   

  1. From the record detail page of the event to be canceled, click Cancel

  2. Enter Attendee Message if required. 

  3. Click Cancel Event. 

Navigate to Microsoft Calendar Event & Teams Meeting

From the event record page, click the View in Outlook link to navigate to the synced Microsoft calendar event, or click the Join Teams Meeting link to navigate to the event's teams meeting.



Leads & Contacts

Import Microsoft Outlook Email Manually  

Microsoft Outlook emails can be manually imported for leads and contacts that have not been excluded from email imports. Leads and contacts that have the same email domain as the Salesforce user performing the import, and that have been added to Email Import Exclusions are excluded from email imports. An email message relationship record will be created for each matching contact/lead with  email addresses that are included in the From, To, Cc, or Bcc fields of the email, and where the email address has not been excluded from imports. Emails will not appear in the import list if all email addresses in email have been excluded. 
  1. Navigate to the contact or lead record. 
  2. Click Microsoft 365 Activity Import. 
  3. Select top number of emails to search if contact or lead is a recipient or sender. 
  4. Expand email and click Import. 



Email Messages

Navigate to Microsoft Outlook Email

From the email message record page, click the View in Outlook link to navigate to the synced Microsoft Outlook email.




Import Microsoft Outlook Emails Automatically

Users can automatically import Microsoft Outlook emails for leads and contacts they own that have not been excluded from email imports. Leads and contacts that have the same email domain as the record owner, and that have been added to Email Import Exclusions are excluded from email imports. An email message relationship record will be created for each matching lead/contact with  email addresses that are included in the From, To, Cc, or Bcc fields of the email, and where the email address has not been excluded from imports. Emails will not be imported if all email addresses in email have been excluded. 

  1. From the user profile page, select Auto Import My Contact Emails.

  2. Click Save.

Note: Enable Contact Emails Auto Import must also be selected in the Sync365 sync settings to enable automatic email importing.

Import Microsoft Calendar Events Automatically

All details of automatically imported events will be omitted except for start and end time.

  1. From the user profile page, select Allocate Time for External Events.

  2. Click Save.

Note: Enable External Event Time Allocation must also be selected in the Sync365 sync settings to enable automatic event importing.

Show Profile Photo on Public Event Rescheduler

  1. From the user profile page, select Show my Photo on Public Event Reschedule.

  2. Click Save.

Specify User Business hours

The available timeslots in the public event rescheduler is derived from your availability in your Salesforce calendar along with the event owner's specified business hours.

  1. From the user profile page, enter values for Monday Work Start and Monday Work End if applicable and repeat for each day of the week where applicable.

  2. Click Save.





Enhancements made to public rescheduler.



First release.


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© 2025 Apex Ninja all rights reserved

© 2025 Apex Ninja all rights reserved